5 mind-boggling Moon mysteries that science cannot explain

Thursday, December 08, 2016 by


With a diameter of about 3,476 kilometers the Moon is a quarter the size of Earth, all other moons in our solar system orbit their planets around the equator, our moon does not, and there are lunar rocks that have been found to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, Mica and Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237.

Article by Ancient Code

Simply put, Earth’s moon is one of the most mysterious objects in our solar system. It is considered a ‘weird’ celestial body due to its numerous physical qualities which scientists are unable to explain, and due to the fact that it is the most unique object in the solar system, incomparable to any other moon found to date.

In fact, the moon is so unique that Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first president of NASA’s Commission of Lunar Exploration called the moon “the Rosetta Stone of the planets.”

To get an idea just how weird the moon is, we only have to take a look at a quote by Robin Brett, a scientist from NASA who stated, “It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence.

But what makes the moon so weird?

It’s big. In fact, it is huge. With a diameter of about 3,476 kilometers the Moon is a quarter the size of Earth. Except for Pluto and Charon, this is the largest known proportion between a moon and its parent body among the numerous objects of our system.

It has a weird orbit that’s so unique scientists have not been able to find it anywhere else in the solar system. It turns that all other moons in our solar system orbit their planets around the equator. Our moon does not, and orbits Earth at an inclination of five degrees. The moon has a precise altitude, course, and speed, allowing it to “function” properly in regards of planet Earth. Simply put the Moon should not be where it is currently.

The Moon is almost an Earth. The composition of our natural satellite is similar to that of Earth, unlike most other moons. Who are clearly different from their parent planets.

If the above details did not catch your attention, there’s more.

There are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, Mica and Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237. These elements have NEVER been found to occur naturally. Uranium 236 is a radioactive nuclear waste which is found in spent nuclear and reprocessed Uranium. More interestingly, Neptunium 237 is a radioactive metallic element and a by-product of nuclear reactors and the production of Plutonium.

These mysterious lunar characteristics have led Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcerbakov from the Soviet Academy of Science to write an article in the 1970’s about the moon called “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?”

Furthermore, Dr. Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry said he was “terribly puzzled by the rocks astronauts found on the moon and their Titanium content. The samples were unimaginable and mind-blowing since researchers could not account for the presence of Titanium.

In other words, our Moon does not share any characteristics with other moons found in our Solar System. If that isn’t strange enough, consider that from any point on the surface of our planet only one side of the Moon is visible.

Read more at: www.ancient-code.com


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